Struct fann::Fann [] [src]

pub struct Fann {
    // some fields omitted


impl Fann

fn new(layers: &[c_uint]) -> FannResult<Fann>[]

Create a fully connected neural network.

There will be a bias neuron in each layer except the output layer, and this bias neuron will be connected to all neurons in the next layer. When running the network, the bias nodes always emit 1.


  • layers - Specifies the number of neurons in each layer, starting with the input and ending with the output layer.


// Creating a network with 2 input neurons, 1 output neuron,
// and two hidden layers with 8 and 9 neurons.
let layers = [2, 8, 9, 1];

fn new_sparse(connection_rate: c_float, layers: &[c_uint]) -> FannResult<Fann>[]

Create a neural network that is not necessarily fully connected.

There will be a bias neuron in each layer except the output layer, and this bias neuron will be connected to all neurons in the next layer. When running the network, the bias nodes always emit 1.


  • connection_rate - The share of pairs of neurons in consecutive layers that will be connected.
  • layers - Specifies the number of neurons in each layer, starting with the input and ending with the output layer.

fn new_shortcut(layers: &[c_uint]) -> FannResult<Fann>[]

Create a neural network which has shortcut connections, i. e. it doesn't connect only each layer to its successor, but every layer with every later layer: Each neuron has connections to all neurons in all subsequent layers.

fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> FannResult<Fann>[]

Read a neural network from a file.

fn save<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, path: P) -> FannResult<()>[]

Save the network to a configuration file.

The file will contain all information about the neural network, except parameters generated during training, like mean square error and the bit fail limit.

fn randomize_weights(&mut self, min_weight: FannType, max_weight: FannType)[]

Give each connection a random weight between min_weight and max_weight.

By default, weights in a new network are random between -0.1 and 0.1.

fn init_weights(&mut self, train_data: &TrainData)[]

Initialize the weights using Widrow & Nguyen's algorithm.

The algorithm developed by Derrick Nguyen and Bernard Widrow sets the weight in a way that can speed up training with the given training data. This technique is not always successful and in some cases can even be less efficient that a purely random initialization.

fn print_connections(&self)[]

Print the connections of the network in a compact matrix, for easy viewing of its internals.

The output on a small (2 2 1) network trained on the xor problem:

Layer / Neuron 012345
L   1 / N    3 BBa...
L   1 / N    4 BBA...
L   1 / N    5 ......
L   2 / N    6 ...BBA
L   2 / N    7 ......

This network has five real neurons and two bias neurons. This gives a total of seven neurons named from 0 to 6. The connections between these neurons can be seen in the matrix. "." is a place where there is no connection, while a character tells how strong the connection is on a scale from a-z. The two real neurons in the hidden layer (neuron 3 and 4 in layer 1) have connections from the three neurons in the previous layer as is visible in the first two lines. The output neuron 6 has connections from the three neurons in the hidden layer 3 - 5 as is visible in the fourth line.

To simplify the matrix output neurons are not visible as neurons that connections can come from, and input and bias neurons are not visible as neurons that connections can go to.

fn print_parameters(&self)[]

Print all parameters and options of the network.

fn train(&mut self, input: &[FannType], desired_output: &[FannType]) -> FannResult<()>[]

Train with a single pair of input and output. This is always incremental training (see TrainAlg), since only one pattern is presented.

fn on_data<'a>(&'a mut self, data: &'a TrainData) -> FannTrainer<'a>[]

Create a training configuration for the given data set.

fn on_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> FannTrainer[]

Create a training configuration, reading the training data from the given file.

fn train_epoch(&mut self, data: &TrainData) -> FannResult<c_float>[]

Train one epoch with a set of training data, i. e. each sample from the training data is considered exactly once.

Returns the mean square error as it is calculated either before or during the actual training. This is not the actual MSE after the training epoch, but since calculating this will require to go through the entire training set once more, it is more than adequate to use this value during training.

fn test(&mut self, input: &[FannType], desired_output: &[FannType]) -> FannResult<Vec<FannType>>[]

Test with a single pair of input and output. This operation updates the mean square error but does not change the network.

Returns the actual output of the network.

fn test_data(&mut self, data: &TrainData) -> FannResult<c_float>[]

Test with a training data set and calculate the mean square error.

fn get_mse(&self) -> c_float[]

Get the mean square error.

fn get_bit_fail(&self) -> c_uint[]

Get the number of fail bits, i. e. the number of neurons which differed from the desired output by more than the bit fail limit since the previous reset.

fn reset_mse_and_bit_fail(&mut self)[]

Reset the mean square error and bit fail count.

fn run(&self, input: &[FannType]) -> FannResult<Vec<FannType>>[]

Run the input through the neural network and returns the output. The length of the input must equal the number of input neurons and the length of the output will equal the number of output neurons.

fn get_num_input(&self) -> c_uint[]

Get the number of input neurons.

fn get_num_output(&self) -> c_uint[]

Get the number of output neurons.

fn get_total_neurons(&self) -> c_uint[]

Get the total number of neurons, including the bias neurons.

E. g. a 2-4-2 network has 3 + 5 + 2 = 10 neurons (because two layers have bias neurons).

fn get_total_connections(&self) -> c_uint[]

Get the total number of connections.

fn get_network_type(&self) -> NetType[]

Get the type of the neural network.

fn get_connection_rate(&self) -> c_float[]

Get the connection rate used when the network was created.

fn get_num_layers(&self) -> c_uint[]

Get the number of layers in the network.

fn get_layer_sizes(&self) -> Vec<c_uint>[]

Get the number of neurons in each layer of the network.

fn get_bias_counts(&self) -> Vec<c_uint>[]

Get the number of bias neurons in each layer of the network.

fn get_connections(&self) -> Vec<Connection>[]

Get a list of all connections in the network.

fn set_connections<'a, I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a Connection>>(&mut self, connections: I)[]

Set the weights of all given connections.

Connections that don't already exist are ignored.

fn set_weight(&mut self, from_neuron: c_uint, to_neuron: c_uint, weight: FannType)[]

Set the weight of the given connection.

fn get_activation_func(&self, layer: c_int, neuron: c_int) -> FannResult<ActivationFunc>[]

Get the activation function for neuron number neuron in layer number layer, counting the input layer as number 0. Input layer neurons do not have an activation function, so layer must be at least 1.

fn set_activation_func(&mut self, af: ActivationFunc, layer: c_int, neuron: c_int)[]

Set the activation function for neuron number neuron in layer number layer, counting the input layer as number 0. Input layer neurons do not have an activation function, so layer must be at least 1.

fn set_activation_func_hidden(&mut self, activation_func: ActivationFunc)[]

Set the activation function for all hidden layers.

fn set_activation_func_output(&mut self, activation_func: ActivationFunc)[]

Set the activation function for the output layer.

fn get_activation_steepness(&self, layer: c_int, neuron: c_int) -> Option<FannType>[]

Get the activation steepness for neuron number neuron in layer number layer.

fn set_activation_steepness(&self, steepness: FannType, layer: c_int, neuron: c_int)[]

Set the activation steepness for neuron number neuron in layer number layer, counting the input layer as number 0. Input layer neurons do not have an activation steepness, so layer must be at least 1.

The steepness determines how fast the function goes from minimum to maximum. A higher value will result in more aggressive training.

A steep activation function is adequate if outputs are binary, e. e. they are supposed to be either almost 0 or almost 1.

The default value is 0.5.

fn set_activation_steepness_layer(&self, steepness: FannType, layer: c_int)[]

Set the activation steepness for layer number layer.

fn set_activation_steepness_hidden(&self, steepness: FannType)[]

Set the activation steepness for all hidden layers.

fn set_activation_steepness_output(&self, steepness: FannType)[]

Set the activation steepness for the output layer.

fn get_error_func(&self) -> ErrorFunc[]

Get the error function used during training.

fn set_error_func(&mut self, ef: ErrorFunc)[]

Set the error function used during training.

The default is Tanh.

fn get_stop_func(&self) -> StopFunc[]

Get the stop criterion for training.

fn set_stop_func(&mut self, sf: StopFunc)[]

Set the stop criterion for training.

The default is Mse.

fn get_bit_fail_limit(&self) -> FannType[]

Get the bit fail limit.

fn set_bit_fail_limit(&mut self, bit_fail_limit: FannType)[]

Set the bit fail limit.

Each output neuron value that differs from the desired output by more than the bit fail limit is counted as a failed bit.

fn get_cascade_params(&self) -> CascadeParams[]

Get cascade training parameters.

fn set_cascade_params(&mut self, params: &CascadeParams)[]

Set cascade training parameters.

fn get_train_algorithm(&self) -> TrainAlgorithm[]

Get the currently configured training algorithm.

fn set_train_algorithm(&mut self, ta: TrainAlgorithm)[]

Set the algorithm to be used for training.

fn set_input_scaling_params(&mut self, data: &TrainData, new_input_min: c_float, new_input_max: c_float) -> FannResult<()>[]

Calculate input scaling parameters for future use based on the given training data.

fn set_output_scaling_params(&mut self, data: &TrainData, new_output_min: c_float, new_output_max: c_float) -> FannResult<()>[]

Calculate output scaling parameters for future use based on the given training data.

fn set_scaling_params(&mut self, data: &TrainData, new_input_min: c_float, new_input_max: c_float, new_output_min: c_float, new_output_max: c_float) -> FannResult<()>[]

Calculate scaling parameters for future use based on the given training data.

fn clear_scaling_params(&mut self) -> FannResult<()>[]

Clear scaling parameters.

fn scale_input(&self, input: &mut [FannType]) -> FannResult<()>[]

Scale data in input vector before feeding it to the network, based on previously calculated parameters.

fn scale_output(&self, output: &mut [FannType]) -> FannResult<()>[]

Scale data in output vector before feeding it to the network, based on previously calculated parameters.

fn descale_input(&self, input: &mut [FannType]) -> FannResult<()>[]

Descale data in input vector after feeding it to the network, based on previously calculated parameters.

fn descale_output(&self, output: &mut [FannType]) -> FannResult<()>[]

Descale data in output vector after getting it from the network, based on previously calculated parameters.

Trait Implementations

impl Drop for Fann

fn drop(&mut self)