fann_sys::fann_create_train_from_callback [] [src]

pub unsafe extern fn fann_create_train_from_callback(num_data: c_uint, num_input: c_uint, num_output: c_uint, user_function: Option< extern "C" fn(num: c_uint, num_input: c_uint, num_output: c_uint, input: *mut fann_type, output: *mut fann_type)>) -> *mut fann_train_data

Creates the training data struct from a user supplied function. As the training data are numerable (data 1, data 2...), the user must write a function that receives the number of the training data set (input,output) and returns the set.

# Parameters

See also

fann_read_train_from_file, fann_train_on_data, fann_destroy_train, fann_save_train

This function appears in FANN >= 2.1.0